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The Diary of a Teenage Girl streaming 1280

I provide recommendations and help you discover new music, movies, TV shows, books, authors and games, based on what you like. I'm a recommendation engine called TasteDive (formerly TasteKid) and can help you explore your taste!

Better discovery experience

Once signed in, you receive better, personalized recommendations. You can "like" or "dislike" the things you discover, keep a taste profile, find other people with shared interests and keep up with their discoveries.

I'm always improving

My knowledge is constantly improving. I still make mistakes and sometimes give bad recommendations, but I'm getting better. I'm learning from you, the people who use my service. If you want to help me, fill in your profile!

I provide recommendations and help you discover new music, movies, TV shows, books, authors and games, based on what you like. I'm a recommendation engine called TasteDive (formerly TasteKid) and can help you explore your taste!

Better discovery experience

Once signed in, you receive better, personalized recommendations. You can "like" or "dislike" the things you discover, keep a taste profile, find other people with shared interests and keep up with their discoveries.

I'm always improving

My knowledge is constantly improving. I still make mistakes and sometimes give bad recommendations, but I'm getting better. I'm learning from people like you. So if you want to help me, fill in your profile!